Saturday, February 12, 2011

Love Quotes

Funny Love quotes
Here are some funny love quotes for those that prefer a humorous quotes or a funny love sayings.

"Today is Valentine's Day. Or, as men like to call it, Extortion day." ~Jay Leno

"Love is a grave mental disease." ~Plato

"The Eskimos have 52 words for snow because it is so special to them; there ought to be as many for love."
~Margaret Atwood

"Gravitation can not be held responsible for people falling in love." ~Albert Einstein

"Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties." ~Jules Renard

"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit". ~Peter Ustinov

Party Games for Kids

Catch My Hear

  • Three or four heart-shaped bean bags
  • This game works best with a large groups (12-20 players)
  • Have the players stand in a circle facing each other.
  • Hand one player a heart-shaped bean bag and tell the player holding the bag to call out another player's name and then gently toss the bag to him/her
  • The player whose name was called catches the bag and then call out another player's name and throws it to him/her
  • Give the players some time to feel comfortable throwing and catching the bag
  • Once everyone's feeling confident, throw a second bag into the mix, then the third, and fourth bag
  • Whoever drops a bag looses and gets out of the circle
  • The last 5 or 6 players are the winners

Inexpensive but yet Fun Games for Kids

Find the Hearts

  • 100 or more construction paper hearts cut out
  • Timer
  • Hide the hearts when the kids are not present.
  • Organize the kids in two or three groups
  • Set the timer for a few minutes and have the kids find the hearts
  • When the time is over have the groups count how many hearts they have
  • The group with the highest number of hearts collected wins.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Country Love Songs

Enjoy your Valentine's Day to a soundtrack of country classics! Here are some ideas for some Country Love Songs including timeless classics by Garth Brooks and new hits by Taylor Swift.

1. History In The Making - Darius Rucker
2. Why Don’t We Just Dance – Josh Turner
3. The World – Brad Paisley
4. Mine –Taylor Swift
5. Breathe – Faith Hill
6. Today – Gary Allan
7. Rascal Flatts – Why Wait
8. Feels So Right – Alabama
9. If Tomorrow Never Comes – Garth Brooks
10. The Dance – Garth Brooks
11. We Danced – Brad Paisley
12. What a Beautiful Day – Chris Cagle
13. It’s Your Love – Tim McGraw and Faith Hill
14. Take Me There – Rascal Flatts
15. All I Ever Wanted – Chuck Wicks
16. Unbelievable – Diamond Rio
17. Amazed – Lonestar
18. Making Memories Of Us – Keith Urban
19. From This Moment On - Shania Twain
20. Only You Can Love Me This Way – Keith Urban

What are your favorite country love songs? Leave a comment and add to the list.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Valentine's Romantic Gift Basket

So here is another do it yourself kind of idea that will help you relive all of your best memories together. Gather items that remind you of dates, events, conversations, and other experiences you've had together. Pick a theme such as the first few months of dating, the month before and after you got engaged, your wedding, or just the highlights over time. Then, when you give the gift you can explain what happened from your point of view while you enjoy one item and story at a time.


  • Basket, box, or other container (shoebox, hat box, gift box etc.)
  • Favorite Items
  • Memory Items

Favorite Items Include:

  • Favorite Candy
  • Food from your favorite restaurant
  • Favorite flower
  • Favorite piece of clothing etc
  • Anything that can be used to generate conversation about a specific memory.

Memory Items Include:

  • Photograph
  • Business Card from a restaurant, hotel, or other place where something special happened
  • Notes
  • Emails
  • Text Messages
  • Drawings
  • etc.
Assemble the items chronologically, in order of sincerity, by how much you remember, you decide! 

Hearing about the perspective of the one you love never grows old. Plus you'll get to show the one you love how much you care in noticing the details. Ladies especially will love a night like this!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Give Chocolates for Valentine's Day

So this is a very classic gift. There is a very interesting site from a French chocolatier who promises to send chocolates via DHL. I'm a fan of chocolate in general, but European and especially French chocolate is really the only way to go. Check out Mr. Jean-Philippe Khodara's site Z Chocolat.

Gift Idea: Z Chocolat
Z Chocolat's basic chocolate shape

What Not To Do

So you are looking for some Valentine's Day Ideas, we will help you in advance and show you WHAT NOT TO DO on Valentine's Day (I am mostly speaking to you guys out there).

Look at our Humor page to see examples of what not to do.

Alright, let's start with a list of WHAT NOT TO DO for GUYS:

  • Forget. If you forget you will instantly be tagged as insensitive whether you like it or not.
  • Give the wrong impression with jewelry. Avoid ring boxes like the plague, unless of course you are proposing.
  • Assume red roses are her favorites. Not every girl likes red roses, ask her in advance.
  • Try a new recipe. Yeah, you may be a good chef but if you haven't made her that special dish before don't bother trying. Stick to your guns and impress her with something you have cooked before. If you really want to cook her something new practice making it before.
  • Wing it. Make a plan - even if it is lousy she will appreciate you the effort and thought.
  • Break up with her. Yeah, this one should be self explanatory.
  • Go obviously cheap. A letter is better than a .99 cent stuffed bear. (If you want cheap try some Do It Yourself Ideas)

Valentines Day Ideas - WHAT NOT TO DO

Now, let's look at WHAT NOT TO DO for GIRLS:

  • Set unrealistic expectations. Remember who you are with, A GUY, they are naturally insensitive and don't really understand girls. They are trying their best to make you happy so if they don't take you on a helicopter ride or buy an expensive piece of jewelry, don't be disappointed.
  • Look disappointed (EVER). Fake it if you have to, cut your guy some slack and think positively. Once he sees you disappointed it could ruin the rest of the day.
  • Talk about what you did last year with your ex-boyfriend. Doing so really benefits no one, don't do it. He will think you are comparing him with your ex-boyfriend.
  • Be Dishonest with your guy. If you expect a flower or small gift from your guy, don't tell him that 'you don't have to get me anything.' Guys are simple, give him an idea of what you want and he will probably do it. (Don't know what you want?Try our Gift Ideas).

Valentines Day Humor

Valentines Day Humor

Valentines Day Humor

For every valentines day that is amazing and romantic, there are many more that are awkward, lame and downright hilarious. Valentines day humor can be very painful to watch for someone who has been a part of those especially awkward valentines day moments. For example, breakups, buying the wrong flowers, forgetting, going overboard with gifts and jewelry, and probably the most funny - rejected proposals.

Sometimes Valentines Day humor comes when you are least expecting it. Watch as Dwight tries to come up with the perfect wording for his valentine for Angela.

What would a Valentine's Day humor page be without a small collection of proposal rejections on valentines day. Enjoy