Saturday, February 12, 2011

Party Games for Kids

Catch My Hear

  • Three or four heart-shaped bean bags
  • This game works best with a large groups (12-20 players)
  • Have the players stand in a circle facing each other.
  • Hand one player a heart-shaped bean bag and tell the player holding the bag to call out another player's name and then gently toss the bag to him/her
  • The player whose name was called catches the bag and then call out another player's name and throws it to him/her
  • Give the players some time to feel comfortable throwing and catching the bag
  • Once everyone's feeling confident, throw a second bag into the mix, then the third, and fourth bag
  • Whoever drops a bag looses and gets out of the circle
  • The last 5 or 6 players are the winners

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