Monday, February 7, 2011

What Not To Do

So you are looking for some Valentine's Day Ideas, we will help you in advance and show you WHAT NOT TO DO on Valentine's Day (I am mostly speaking to you guys out there).

Look at our Humor page to see examples of what not to do.

Alright, let's start with a list of WHAT NOT TO DO for GUYS:

  • Forget. If you forget you will instantly be tagged as insensitive whether you like it or not.
  • Give the wrong impression with jewelry. Avoid ring boxes like the plague, unless of course you are proposing.
  • Assume red roses are her favorites. Not every girl likes red roses, ask her in advance.
  • Try a new recipe. Yeah, you may be a good chef but if you haven't made her that special dish before don't bother trying. Stick to your guns and impress her with something you have cooked before. If you really want to cook her something new practice making it before.
  • Wing it. Make a plan - even if it is lousy she will appreciate you the effort and thought.
  • Break up with her. Yeah, this one should be self explanatory.
  • Go obviously cheap. A letter is better than a .99 cent stuffed bear. (If you want cheap try some Do It Yourself Ideas)

Valentines Day Ideas - WHAT NOT TO DO

Now, let's look at WHAT NOT TO DO for GIRLS:

  • Set unrealistic expectations. Remember who you are with, A GUY, they are naturally insensitive and don't really understand girls. They are trying their best to make you happy so if they don't take you on a helicopter ride or buy an expensive piece of jewelry, don't be disappointed.
  • Look disappointed (EVER). Fake it if you have to, cut your guy some slack and think positively. Once he sees you disappointed it could ruin the rest of the day.
  • Talk about what you did last year with your ex-boyfriend. Doing so really benefits no one, don't do it. He will think you are comparing him with your ex-boyfriend.
  • Be Dishonest with your guy. If you expect a flower or small gift from your guy, don't tell him that 'you don't have to get me anything.' Guys are simple, give him an idea of what you want and he will probably do it. (Don't know what you want?Try our Gift Ideas).

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