Monday, January 31, 2011

Gift for Him or Her: Personalized Mugs for Valentine's Day

Personalized Mugs for Valentine's Day Gifts
These personalized mugs are the perfect
gift for Valentine's Day!

Ok, so maybe this is high on the schmaltz factor, but I think these mugs are absolutely adorable. Again, it doesn't take too much time and provides a cute gift that has a little more personality than a regular store bought item. You can personalize these guys here.

The theme of these matching mugs is "We go together like (insert your phrase here)". Then you get to put your names on the mugs. I'm a bit concerned about the handle situation, but for the novelty, it's worth it.

There are 8 total phrases you can choose from, here are a few possibilities:

Milk and Cookies Valentine's Mug Design
Bacon and Eggs Valentine's Mug Design
Rock and Roll Valentine's Mug Design Macaroni and Cheese Valentine's Mug Design
Pancakes and Syrup Valentine's Mug DesignMoon and Starts Valentine's Mug Design

The artwork is super cute, and for $20, it's not a bad deal. Pair these with her favorite hot chocolate and a homemade Valentine's Day breakfast and you're good to go!

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